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Les 5 Divines photos groupe cérémonie de la Terre - Marion Roudil photographe12.jpg

The Divine Flow is a Guiding Process and a Transformative Experience.

The goal of this 360-degree holistic approach is to reconnect beings with their own essence through

a unique method, which I have created by combining Traditional Chinese Medicine, Life & Health Coaching,

Yoga, Meditation, Lithotherapy and other magical tools.

Click here to find out more

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Venez à la rencontre des 5 archetypes Féminins de la médecine traditionnelle chinoise : Les 5 Divines. Découvrez leurs facettes, leur médecine, leurs rituels, leurs messages, leurs Mantras... Apprivoisez les pour faire émerger leur Lumière en vous.


Chaque archétype est relié à un élément, à une saison, à une émotion, à un organe, à un Univers...

Chacune de ces Déesses est une partie de vous à laquelle vous pouvez faire appel pour vous aider à vous reconnecter à votre chemin, à votre être.

Venez explorer intimement chaque partie de vous, pour vous connecter à cette vibration authentique et lumineuse pour laquelle vous êtes venue vous incarner.

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"Blissfull is a state of mind"
- Buddha
Retraite Les 5 Divines cérémonie du Feu - Marion Roudil photographe6.jpg
Les Divines et
Leur Univers
  • La Divine METAL

    • La Cyclicité des Saisons​

    • La Libération

    • La Transmutation

    • L'émotion de la Tristesse

    • La Foi


  • La Divine EAU​

    • Le Cycle Féminin​

    • L'intuition

    • L'émotion de la Peur

    • La Mission de Vie

    • Le Corps Féminin


  • La Divine BOIS​

    • Le Pouvoir de la Manifestation

    • L’abondance

    • Les Rêves

    • L'émotion de la Colère

    • L'argent


  • La Divine Feu

    • Le Lien à l'autre

    • Le Couple

    • Les Valeurs

    • L'émotion de la Joie​

    • L'Amour

    • L'enfant Intérieur


  • La Divine Terre

    • L'ancrage​

    • La Vulnérabilité

    • La Qualité de Présence

    • L’amour de Soi

    • La Confiance en Soi

    • Les Parts d'ombres et de lumière​

Les Médecines
  • La Médecine Traditionnelle Chinoise


  • Les Cercles de Partage


  • Les 5 éléments


  • La Médecine Holistique


  • Le Chamanisme


  • Les Voyages au Tambour


  • Les Rituels Ancestraux


  • Le Reiki


  • Life Coaching


  • Lithotherapie


  • Meditation


  • Le Yoga (Flow, Mandala Vinyasa, Yin)​


  • Les Mantras


  • Les Pranayamas


  • Le Breathwork


  • Le Sound Healing


  • Les Bols de Cristal et Tibétains


  • Les Oracles


  • Thérapie par l'Image (en Option)

Les Lieux

Les Retraites des 5 Divines ont lieu à la maison Casa Olta.


Dans un lieu sublime au coeur des Gorges du Verdon au milieu des champs de lavande.

Une maison d'hôte pensée pour des moments de déconnection liés au bien-être.


Un coup de coeur rempli d'espaces propices pour créer une pause inoubliable.


Les repas végétariens sont fait maison par les hôtes Olivia et Rami, passionnés des bons produits locaux, bio et sains.

Les journées et les repas seront en lien avec l'élément traversé par les participantes.

De la nourriture pour le corps, idéale pour s’élever en vibration durant la retraite. ​



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Cette retraite est pour toi, si :

  • Tu souhaites découvrir les énergies de la médecine traditionnelle chinoise au service de la connaissance de soi.


  • Tu souhaites vivre une expérience hors du temps au cœur de la nature dans une énergie de partage avec d’autres Femmes


  • Tu souhaites te connecter à des énergies profondément transformatrices.


  • Tu souhaites découvrir des outils et pratiques empruntes de magie et de sens.


  • Tu as besoin de retrouver un sens profond à ta Vie.

Retraite Les 5 Divines sept oct Chant Terre - Marion Roudil Photographe31.jpg

Découvrez les prochaines dates de retraites :


The universe always puts on your path what you need at the right time. Charlotte embodies gentleness. Thanks to her knowledge, her experiences and her care for details, the Divine Flow weekend is a transformative and magical break. From the first coaching to the end of the weekend, we discover or rediscover who we are and what we really want.

Two days of encounters and sharing, all in a very warm atmosphere.




The universe always puts on your path what you need at the right time. Charlotte embodies gentleness. Thanks to her knowledge, her experiences and her care for details, the Divine Flow weekend is a transformative and magical break. From the first coaching to the end of the weekend, we discover or rediscover who we are and what we really want.

Two days of encounters and sharing, all in a very warm atmosphere.



Elodie W.

The universe always puts on your path what you need at the right time. Charlotte embodies gentleness. Thanks to her knowledge, her experiences and her care for details, the Divine Flow weekend is a transformative and magical break. From the first coaching to the end of the weekend, we discover or rediscover who we are and what we really want.

Two days of encounters and sharing, all in a very warm atmosphere.




The universe always puts on your path what you need at the right time. Charlotte embodies gentleness. Thanks to her knowledge, her experiences and her care for details, the Divine Flow weekend is a transformative and magical break. From the first coaching to the end of the weekend, we discover or rediscover who we are and what we really want.

Two days of encounters and sharing, all in a very warm atmosphere.




The universe always puts on your path what you need at the right time. Charlotte embodies gentleness. Thanks to her knowledge, her experiences and her care for details, the Divine Flow weekend is a transformative and magical break. From the first coaching to the end of the weekend, we discover or rediscover who we are and what we really want.

Two days of encounters and sharing, all in a very warm atmosphere.



Céline S.

The universe always puts on your path what you need at the right time. Charlotte embodies gentleness. Thanks to her knowledge, her experiences and her care for details, the Divine Flow weekend is a transformative and magical break. From the first coaching to the end of the weekend, we discover or rediscover who we are and what we really want.

Two days of encounters and sharing, all in a very warm atmosphere.



Elodie B.

The universe always puts on your path what you need at the right time. Charlotte embodies gentleness. Thanks to her knowledge, her experiences and her care for details, the Divine Flow weekend is a transformative and magical break. From the first coaching to the end of the weekend, we discover or rediscover who we are and what we really want.

Two days of encounters and sharing, all in a very warm atmosphere.




The universe always puts on your path what you need at the right time. Charlotte embodies gentleness. Thanks to her knowledge, her experiences and her care for details, the Divine Flow weekend is a transformative and magical break. From the first coaching to the end of the weekend, we discover or rediscover who we are and what we really want.

Two days of encounters and sharing, all in a very warm atmosphere.




The universe always puts on your path what you need at the right time. Charlotte embodies gentleness. Thanks to her knowledge, her experiences and her care for details, the Divine Flow weekend is a transformative and magical break. From the first coaching to the end of the weekend, we discover or rediscover who we are and what we really want.

Two days of encounters and sharing, all in a very warm atmosphere.




The universe always puts on your path what you need at the right time. Charlotte embodies gentleness. Thanks to her knowledge, her experiences and her care for details, the Divine Flow weekend is a transformative and magical break. From the first coaching to the end of the weekend, we discover or rediscover who we are and what we really want.

Two days of encounters and sharing, all in a very warm atmosphere.



Sophie L.

The universe always puts on your path what you need at the right time. Charlotte embodies gentleness. Thanks to her knowledge, her experiences and her care for details, the Divine Flow weekend is a transformative and magical break. From the first coaching to the end of the weekend, we discover or rediscover who we are and what we really want.

Two days of encounters and sharing, all in a very warm atmosphere.




The universe always puts on your path what you need at the right time. Charlotte embodies gentleness. Thanks to her knowledge, her experiences and her care for details, the Divine Flow weekend is a transformative and magical break. From the first coaching to the end of the weekend, we discover or rediscover who we are and what we really want.

Two days of encounters and sharing, all in a very warm atmosphere.




The universe always puts on your path what you need at the right time. Charlotte embodies gentleness. Thanks to her knowledge, her experiences and her care for details, the Divine Flow weekend is a transformative and magical break. From the first coaching to the end of the weekend, we discover or rediscover who we are and what we really want.

Two days of encounters and sharing, all in a very warm atmosphere.




The universe always puts on your path what you need at the right time. Charlotte embodies gentleness. Thanks to her knowledge, her experiences and her care for details, the Divine Flow weekend is a transformative and magical break. From the first coaching to the end of the weekend, we discover or rediscover who we are and what we really want.

Two days of encounters and sharing, all in a very warm atmosphere.



Sophie P

The universe always puts on your path what you need at the right time. Charlotte embodies gentleness. Thanks to her knowledge, her experiences and her care for details, the Divine Flow weekend is a transformative and magical break. From the first coaching to the end of the weekend, we discover or rediscover who we are and what we really want.

Two days of encounters and sharing, all in a very warm atmosphere.




The universe always puts on your path what you need at the right time. Charlotte embodies gentleness. Thanks to her knowledge, her experiences and her care for details, the Divine Flow weekend is a transformative and magical break. From the first coaching to the end of the weekend, we discover or rediscover who we are and what we really want.

Two days of encounters and sharing, all in a very warm atmosphere.




The universe always puts on your path what you need at the right time. Charlotte embodies gentleness. Thanks to her knowledge, her experiences and her care for details, the Divine Flow weekend is a transformative and magical break. From the first coaching to the end of the weekend, we discover or rediscover who we are and what we really want.

Two days of encounters and sharing, all in a very warm atmosphere.



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