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Retraite Les 5 Divines ce_re_monie du  Feu - Marion Roudil photographe1.jpg

Divine Feminine, Holistic Healing, Arts, Rituals & Yoga


My name is Charlotte and I am a Holistic Therapist.


Thanks to my diverse experiences over the past ten years, and my trainings in wellness, energetics, meditation and yoga, I have developed my very own method of coaching.

My holistic approach takes into consideration the whole person: body, emotions, mind, and spirit.


I am a pioneer in my field, so the experiences I offer are unique, and they will help you reconnect with your own essence and with your body. The purpose is to be in control of your own life again and to progress on the path of self-awareness.

My name is Charlotte and I am a Holistic Therapist.


Thanks to my diverse experiences over the past ten years, and my trainings in wellness, energetics, meditation and yoga, I have developed my very own method of coaching.

My holistic approach takes into consideration the whole person: body, emotions, mind, and spirit.


I am a pioneer in my field, so the experiences I offer are unique, and they will help you reconnect with your own essence and with your body. The purpose is to be in control of your own life again and to progress on the path of self-awareness.


My name is Charlotte and I am a Holistic Therapist.


Thanks to my diverse experiences over the past ten years, and my trainings in wellness, energetics, meditation and yoga, I have developed my very own method of coaching.

My holistic approach takes into consideration the whole person: body, emotions, mind, and spirit.


I am a pioneer in my field, so the experiences I offer are unique, and they will help you reconnect with your own essence and with your body. The purpose is to be in control of your own life again and to progress on the path of self-awareness.

Je remercie particulièrement mes professeurs Daniela Mandala, Stephanie Viu Kessler et Trupta, Charlotte Bentz, mes maitres rencontrés lors de mes voyages ainsi que mes rencontres inspirantes avec Ona Chrysis, Anne Cécile Poizat, Justyne, Caroline Von Bibikow, Katia Bougchiche, Natacha Laurent, Claude Parisiot, Arkaitz, Julie et ceux que je n'ai pas cités d'avoir croisé mon chemin et enrichi cette médecine que je transmets aujourd'hui.Retraites et cérémonies féminine

Médecines Ancestrales
  • Cercles de Femmes

  • Blessing Way et Rites de Passage

  • Unions Consciente

  • Rituels Ancestraux

  • Cycles Féminins et Sexualité Sacrée

  • Médecine de la Relation et du Couple

  • Mantra Chanting

  • Cérémonie du Cacao

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  • Boussole de Naissance du Tarot de Marseille​

  • Oracles

  • Lithothérapie

  • Sound Healing​​​

  • Protection Energétique de l'être et des espaces​​

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Médecines du Corps
et de l'Esprit
  • Yoga (500h) ​(Yin Yoga, Vinyasa, Lucid Flow et les 5 éléments)

  • Life Coaching - The Institute for Integrative Nutrition

  • Méditation - The Monroe Institute et autres retraites

  • Théorie des Chakras

  • Pranayamas et Power Breath

  • Breathwork Cosmique

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et Monde de l'Invisible​
  • Mediumnité

  • Chamanisme

  • Soins Energétiques

  • Reiki​​​​

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The Transformative Experience

The Divine Flow is a Guiding Process and a Transformative Experience.

The goal of this 360-degree holistic approach is to reconnect beings with their own essence through

a unique method, which I have created by combining Traditional Chinese Medicine, Life & Health Coaching,

Yoga, Meditation, Lithotherapy and other magical tools.

Click here to find out more

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